Walker-Air(Non-Regular) Step-by-Step Guide
Step-by-Step Guide Short Video Link:
1. Removing the contents from the case. Drone, batteries, wires and controller.
2. Unfolding the drone, showing where the is an SD card slot, removing the camera and gimbal cover, how to charge the controller and batteries and finally how to install the battery into the drone for charging and flying.
3. How to download and install the “WK FLY” app to your phone using the QR code in the user manual. Opening the app and agreeing to the user agreements plus giving the app permissions to allow saving of photos and video to your phone.
4. How to turn on the controller using the power button and pressing it twice, holding on the second push for 3 at least seconds until it powers up. How to connect the controller to the phone using the short cable provided. Then finally using the actual app on the phone to finalize the connection to the controller.
5. Connecting the controller to the drone and phone. Power on the drone with the power button, with the double press, as before. The drone is flashing, meaning that it is in connect mode. Once the controller connected light turns green, that means that it is connected to the drone. After that, you can put up the antennas and open up the controller and insert the phone into it. If you come across the screen telling you to input a verify code, then to bypass this, press the code input box, then use the back button at the bottom right and then press the back button in the top left. Then press the GO FLY button. Once you can see through the drone’s camera on the phone, the phone, controller and drone are connected.
6. Next, you put the drone on the ground where you want the home point to be, and step back about a meter and wait for the drone to find the GPS satellites. You can also see the amount connected on the phone app. Once you get over 10, the drone will unlock and will be safe to fly.
7. To start the drone’s rotors, you can either pull down and out on the controller joysticks, or use the rotor unlock button on the controller. Then you can push up on the left stick to take off, or use the auto take off button in the app. Then you are flying!
8. To connect the voice handset, power on the drone in the same manner as before and then push the red button on the handset to power it up. Once connected, the drone will tell you verbally, and then you will see the drone’s view through the handset camera. You are then ready to fly.
9. To use the headset, you must firstly have the voice controller connected to the drone. Then take your phone and go to WIFI settings and search for wifi. When you see a network WK_GRD_XXXXXX connect to it. Then open the WK FLY app and go to the extra features button and then push the VR button. Insert phone into front of headset to allow FP view and fly by moving head and with voice handset.
Enjoy your flying experience with the Walker Air drone, and if you do have any questions or need any help, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the customer support team at the Bigly Brothers and we will be most happy to help you.